Cindra Pet Products Moisturizing Shampoo - the best shampoo for dry skin.  Hydrates and nourishes your dogs coat

Moisturizing Shampoo

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Our Moisturizing Shampoo is the ideal choice for dogs in dry climates or those suffering from dry skin and damaged coats. This luxury dog shampoo harnesses a powerful blend of nourishing oils and essential vitamins to deliver deep hydration while it cleans and conditions. Specially formulated to enhance coats without losing body, Our Moisturizing Shampoo is a top-rated shampoo for show dogs and pets alike, desert dwellers, and sensitive-skin breeds.

It is a low-sudsing, easy-to-rise formula designed to prevent buildup, leaving the coat residue-free, vibrant, and healthy. Moisturizing Shampoo is a 16:1 concentrated formula that offers professional-level moisturizing and long-lasting results. Perfect for those looking to restore shine, moisture, and volume to their dog’s coat!